Adopt Rainforest deploys park rangers to protect rainforest - Adopteer Regenwoud
Adopt Rainforest deploys park rangers to protect rainforest

Adopt Rainforest deploys park rangers to protect rainforest

In recent years, the reserve of the Adopt Rainforest Foundation has been easy for project manager Maarten to oversee. Two or three times a week he and the students make his rounds through the project area for the biodiversity research. For this research they visit several plots of the area, giving them a good insight into what is happening. Should any illegal logging occur, it is immediately noticed. The same goes for illegal hunting. In addition to the local presence, camera traps are hung at various places in the reserve. These are checked weekly. Should hunters or poachers walk through our reserve, this is quickly noticed.

Reserve expansion

However, due to the growth of Adopt Rainforest and the latest purchase of 65 hectares, the foundation now owns an area of 230 hectares of rainforest that it protects. This is so large that it is not feasible for the project manager to monitor this on a weekly basis in addition to all his other duties. To ensure that the reserve remains well protected we have enlisted the help of two park rangers. It is a job you prefer not to do alone, because you are sometimes several hours walk away from the village.

Local help

Dennis and Gian Carlos are two acquaintances of the foundation. Both live with their families in the neighboring village of San Miguel and have been involved from the start of the project. They regularly help with jobs such as the reforestation project and keeping the trails through the reserve clean. Two boys who have been traversing this large area since childhood and know everyone in the area. We are therefore super happy that they want to take on the task as park rangers!

First visit to the reserve

Last week Dennis and Gian Carlos made their first visit to the reserve as rangers. They placed new signs at several strategic points (see photo above). In addition, they performed overdue maintenance on the land boundaries. Each week they visit a different area. When they encounter special animals or plants, of course they try to take a photo or video to share with us. In this video the Green Macaw can be heard. A beautiful rare parrot that is threatened with extinction.

Protection of the reserve

We at the Adopt Rainforest Foundation are proud of this beautiful step to ensure the protection of the reserve. And that we can offer Dennis and Gian Carlos this job. Without the help of local people we would never have come this far. Great that Dennis and Gian Carlos want to help us protect this beautiful rainforest!

Several funds have helped us fund two park rangers.

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