Uw CO2 uitstoot berekenen en compenseren? | Regenwoud adopteren

Compensate your CO2 emissions

The rainforest is an important player in the fight against the greenhouse effect.
Calculate how many m² of rainforest your emissions compensate for, and adopt a piece of rainforest.

Calculate how much CO2 you can compensate

CO2 emissions are a hot topic, literally and figuratively speaking. In the fight against the greenhouse effect, we need the rainforest, and the rainforest needs us. Adopting some square meters allows us to guarantee protection for years to come. No vague CO2 credits, but a simple and transparent alternative to take action.

We know how many kilograms of CO2 our rainforest holds on average per square meter. Based on your travel and driving behavior, you can calculate how many square meters you should adopt to compensate your emissions.

After offsetting your emissions, you will receive a digital certificate stating how many square meters you are adopting and protecting and how much CO2 you are offsetting.

C02 Calculator

Kilometers per year
Your CO2 emissions
Kilograms of CO2 per year.
This is € per month, per year or € once.
()["title"] ()["quantity"] ()["type"]
Grams of CO2 emissions per passenger kilometer (calculated centrally by the environment).
Grams per year.
Yes, I would like to compensate my CO2
Compensate my CO2
0 Compensate kilograms of CO2 per year.
This is € per month, per year or € once.

Your choise: 0 once.

I hereby authorize Stichting Work with Nature to cancel the above amount (or one-off if chosen above) from my account.

Credit Card

Example CO2 calculation

You drive 10,000 km per year with a petrol-driven car. Over the whole year you emit +/- 2240 kg CO2.

The rainforest that we protect in Costa Rica holds 30 kg of CO2 per square meter.

If you adopt 2240/30=74 m² of rainforest per year, you can go on the road with a slightly better feeling.

This will only cost you 16 euros per month.

For our calculations we have taken an average value for the number of kg CO2 that lowland rainforest holds. For the values of CO2 emissions for different vehicles, we used the figures from Milieu Centraal.


Compensate CO2 for yourself or your employees

You will receive a digital certificate stating how many square meters you are adopting and protecting and how much CO2 you are offsetting.

TIP: do you want to work as a company towards a greener future? Adopt a rainforest to compensate the emissions of your employees: a small donation can make a big difference. Read more about corporate donations here.

Contact business compensation

Our major goal is to purchase and protect 2,000 hectares of rainforest

Started with 3 hectares GOAL: 2000 hectares
224 hectares rainforest protected!