Is it possible to restore the original rainforest in a deforested area where cows have been grazing for years? In Costa Rica at least they accept the challenge. This article tells in short how a Dutch foundation in Costa Rica is trying to transform degraded land back into a fully fledged rainforest.
Why reforestation
It is obviously more important to preserve existing rainforest by protecting it instead of planting new trees. If no trees are cut down, the need to plant them would also be much smaller. The Adopteer Regenwoud foundation therefore consciously chooses to protect as much rainforest as possible and only plant new trees where necessary.
It has chosen to reforest only areas that are strategically important. The main reason is to enable migration for plants and animals. Animals avoid meadows to migrate, because of the risks it entails due to lack of shelter. The same animals are also the ones who have to spread the seeds of trees and plants, almost all seed distribution in the rainforest is done by animals. In contrast to the Netherlands where a lot of seed dispersal is done by the wind.
The jaguar
So it is important to get back to the original forest where rainforest was cut down in the past. The mission is to fully protect an area of 2000 hectares of continuous rainforest and restore it where necessary so that plants and animals can move and reproduce freely again. A good example is the Jaguar that needs at least 2000 hectares of continuous rainforest to survive. This feline is a key species for the rainforest, a species that ensures that animal life remains in balance. If the jaguar can survive in the area then this is a good indication that the rainforest is healthy and diverse enough.
But how do you get the original forest back to these important strategic places?
Theoretically, you could just wait. If you wait long enough and don’t let any more cattle graze, then bushes and eventually forests will come again. Probably it will indeed become forest, but that could take a few human lives. In practice, few tree seeds end up in the meadows, because of the absence of seed spreaders (animals). And if a single tree seed ends up in the meadow there are few that can cope with the stiff high grass. The grass is so long and thick that sunlight can barely reach the ground and the grass also develops an enormous root mass in which almost no tree seed can germinate.
In order to speed up this process and perhaps create rainforest again within one lifetime, the biologists at Adopteer Regenwoud thought of something else. The final tree species we want to have in our rainforest are those that occur in the rainforests around the deforested plots. However, these are species that you can’t just plant and water in a meadow in the hope that they will grow. The “valuable” tree species (climax species), species that have a high natural value because they are important for a lot of life in the rainforest, are trees that can only grow in shade and a good forest climate. And not on a meadow in bright sunshine.
2 year old tree – already 9 meters tall!
The creation of a forest climate
In order for these ultimate target species to grow again, it is therefore important that a forest climate is created where there is sufficient shade. Previous studies in the high mountains of Costa Rica have shown that when you plant trees you can create a forest climate to stimulate natural rejuvenation.
To create this forest climate, 14 indigenous tree species have been selected (species that occur naturally in Costa Rica). There is chosen for fast growing tree species that preferably bear fruit. In this way you not only create a forest climate and shade as quickly as possible, but you also attract animals from the existing rainforest to these planted fruit-bearing trees. These animals are the key to success. If they feel comfortable to move freely in the reforested area again, they will ensure that the desired tree seeds from the rainforest will end up in the desired plot again. The planted trees provide an ideal climate and enough shade for these seeds to germinate. This allows them to grow into the desired “valuable” trees that will eventually create a fully-fledged rainforest.
Man and animal work together
It is still too early to draw conclusions. But there is good hope that with the help of some human input and the important contribution of rainforest animals, the succession of pasture to an adult rainforest is accelerated. And that eventually the area of 2000 hectares will be a fully interconnected rainforest, where the majestic Jaguar can roam freely and raise her young.
Read more about Costa Rica and her history, then go to:
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From 25 hectares of grassland to a thriving rainforest
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In the spring of 2023, there was suddenly an opportunity to go to Costa Rica for Adopt Rainforest. I was also in Costa Rica a year earlier and there someone tipped me off about an organization of two Dutch guys who were working to protect and restore the rainforest. When I got home I decided […]
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Stichting Adopteer Regenwoud’s research project is entering an exciting new phase thanks to a long-term collaboration with Utrecht University. The foundation was ready for a new step to professionalize the research project and Utrecht University was looking for a stable and reliable partner in Central America to conduct solid research in the rainforest. So for both parties this is a wonderful collaboration! Because of this we will make a big step in professionalizing our current research on biodiversity in our reserve. Together with the visiting students we will focus on scientific research in which the diversity and development of nature in our reserve, with an emphasis on flora, is central.
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Despite the fact that there are no students because of the Corona crisis, the research continues (partly).
In the Netherlands, some students are busy analysing data, but also in Costa Rica inventories are still being made. Accompanied by guide Tapa, Hanneke and Maarten walk the transects in different habitats.
Most species are between 7.5 and 13 cm in size. You would almost think it is an out-sized bumblebee! Hummingbirds (Trochilidae) are the smallest birds in the world. They are a family of birds of the order swift-like. The family includes more than 300 species. Most species are found in South America. It is so much fun (more…)
For my Wildlife business management degree, I have done several internships, mostly revolving around animal care but this time I chose to visit a different type of organization. In August 2023, I landed in Costa Rica to spend 8 weeks with the research project of Adopt Rainforest.
Costa Rica is known for its beautiful nature, a country with an exceptionally high diversity of plants and animals (one of the highest percentages of biodiversity in the world). A country for the true ecotourist. Over the past twenty years, ecotourism has become increasingly important to Costa Rica. In 2019, there were nearly 3 million tourists in Costa Rica of which 80% are considered ecotourists. (more…)
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